Studio Sun Identity System

Logo and identity system for a narrative photography studio
In short
Studio Sun is a narrative photography studio that needed a robust brand identity that could stand out amongst a sea of other photographers, but blend into a myriad of different cultural contexts.
Private Client
Identity Creation
February 2024

Studio Sun's current primary market is high-end wedding photography; however, the Studio needed an evergreen branding solution that could remain consistent while the Studio expanded over time.

The client had a vision for a non-lovey dove-y, non-chiché, gender neutral, studio brand that worked alongside narratives of love, but could fit alongside other stories too.

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Studio Sun's identity revolves around an embrace of graphic and linguistic flexibility. Studio Sun's logo is a bilingual combomark with variations for monolingual and small form-factor contexts.

Sun Studio uses the bilingual logo by default. The color palette of six colors are categorized into context-specific color pairs: Formal (Off-black/Off-white), Semi-formal (Taupe/Sepia), and Casual (Purple/Yellow).

Studio Sun uses HarmonyOS Sans SC for its typography which enables seamless transition between Latin and Chinese glyphs without switching typefaces.

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